I am declawed
Yes. I have cut my nails. I've needed to do it since the wedding, and I finally got around to it today. It's something of a relief, because typing and stuff with fingertip involvement go a lot smoother, but they look so much better long! Oh well. They'll come back. In other news, Blandine came back yesterday evening, and I spent all day, literally all day, cleaning the house. I dusted, I swept, I mopped, I vacuumed, I polished, I washed, I dried, I neatened, I made the bed, I took out the trash. And that was just the afternoon. Hopefully Mike will call me soon and let me know how everything went. I'm always afraid that I forgot to do something important, or missed cleaning something, or screwed up in some way. Nothing I can do about it now, though. And now I'm back at home for two weeks-ish while Blandine's at the house. It's kind of nice being back with my family again, though, and have cats around instead of dogs, and the toilet seat is left down when people are done, instead of up for the dogs to drink out of. And in a couple of weeks I'll be back.
At 7:27 PM,
T said…
Declawed is a good feeling, but I like having them long, too. It helps having long nails while washing your hair, but typing is better with short ones, like you said.
Good luck with the whole Blandine thing. Will you get to meet her?
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I stand corrected. It's not all about your nails. Hopefully you'll get to meet Blandine. It'll be...interesting having you home. At least we have Sylvester back. :D ~Kati
At 10:01 AM,
Moueska said…
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At 8:12 PM,
Jess said…
Hopefully. Sometime near the end of the week Mike, Blandine and I are all supposed to go to dinner or something, so...
At 8:18 PM,
Jess said…
I'm sorry, Moueska! I managed to click the delete button on your comment and I don't know how to fix it! *cries* I am sorry!
At 5:49 AM,
Moueska said…
That's okay Jess. Through the magic that is google, I found it!
"Yay, Yay, Yay! I was all worried that nobody would post about the wedding, so I posted. And then you posted! I was actually wondering if you'd post about the afterness of the wedding. Ah, the goodness that is Monty Python and Spiked Milkshakes."
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