Who wants Gmail??
Seriously, I have fifty invites and I don't know who to send them to. If you want it, or know someone who does, let me know.
In other news, today is Kristen's 21st, and after work she and I are going out. Yay! I look cute, I'm even wearing a skirt. Go me!
The kitten, or maybe Bob, knocked the mouse's cage over last night and Breka found it running around her room this morning. It's now housed in the old hermit crab cage until I can put the other one back together.
I still have not gotten my refund check. It's been three weeks. Damn!! I have no money!
At 6:12 PM,
T said…
You got a mousie? Or is it a hamster that Bookie had deemed a mouse? Either way, cute, cute!
I dunno about the Gmail. I already have three email addresses, and don't really need another. Sorry!
Happy Birthday Kristen! And way to go Jess for wearing a skirt. ^_^
At 10:18 AM,
Moueska said…
Oh crud- it is?! *waves* Happy Birthday Kristen!!
(Hmm... does she even read this?)
I could probably use Gmail, but I might have just as many invites as you do. *shrug* We'll see.
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