Cheese is good for the body and soul...
Or so my brother, the Psychotic Buzzy-Haired Bastard (hey, he picked his own pseudonym) tells me. PBHB for short. He's making a jar of cheese for lunch. Nachos, or so he says. I am waiting for the end of the workday, because then I am picking up people and we are going SHOPPING!!! At Johnny O's, no less. For those unfamiliar with this fine establishment, Johnny O's is a sex toy, lingerie, and general fun store. :D Lookin' forward to it, oh yeah. Who knows, I may even post about our trip later today. Well, I'm going to go read HP4, post to you later.
At 10:31 PM,
T said…
Woo! We had fun tonight. Very cool place. Very cute stuff.
At 9:31 AM,
Moueska said…
Leave it to PBHB to pick a pseudonym like that. Freak. *musses his hair* Cheese is good, though. Tom has cheese and crackers to help him survive the next few days.
At 6:35 PM,
T said…
Hey kiddo! Where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while. You doing okay? Miss you!
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