My Blog

Friday, February 18, 2005


One day til my birthday! And not just any birthday, because even though all birthdays are special, as well as the un-birthdays, this one is the peak. The pinnacle. The twenty-first.

Yes, I know many of you have celebrated your twenty-first birthday already. Kudos to you, and such. You're figuring, 'This post is going to be all about how excited she is to become legal drinking age. Big whoop.' I know that many of you are now skipping this post. But do I care? No. Why, you ask? I'll tell you.

I have brownies.

Not just like 'Oh, Betty Crocker, fresh from a box'. No. This is a tray, made by people who are brownie whores like me. Some are plain. Some are sugared. Some are powder sugared. It's massive. It may be heaven in clear plastic. Soon there will be a picture of brownie heaven.


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