Goth Ann
And that is what Breka will be for Halloween this year. It's basically a black-and-white version of Raggedy Ann, and it looks really cute. I'll be doing her makeup for her, and then going to work. Yes, I am working on Halloween. Does that not suck? I'll be there til eleven, then I'm going to a Halloween party at my friend Lar's, then I'll be getting up early to be at work from eight to four, then running to my other job to work five to nine. Thank God I have Tuesday off. I'm going to Mike's and recovering.
I have been so bored these past couple weeks. All I've done is work every day. All my friends work or have school during the day when I'm home, and since I work evenings, I seldom get to see them. I haven't been out to Mike's in a while, either. It really sucks. Some Saturday I'm going to plan a friends date because that's the only evening I don't work. This Saturday I get to go strapless bra shopping for Von's wedding. Woo!
Also, does anyone know a place that dyes shoes? Semi-cheap? Von wants to use the same shoes we had for Lar's wedding, but white shoes with a navy dress is a NO. So she wants to get them dyed navy and use them instead of getting new shoes. Sounds good to me, as long as we can find a place that dyes shoes. Anyone?
At 1:15 PM,
T said…
Hooray for Halloween and weddingness!
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