A lapse in posting...
I was doing so good, too. Yes, over the next few (days? weeks? who knows) I will not be able to post regularly. Not that I did before. I like posting and all, but sometimes I can't find anything to write about save my problems, and no one wants to hear about that. Feel free to suggest topics via the comment thingy. In other news, there is nothing but soups and sandwhich stuff to eat here, and I'm a little tired of both. Want to feed me? Come on over. I can't think of anything else to post about, so I shall leave you with this though: If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?
Movie quote of the day, from Shrek 2:
Puss-in-Boots:"I hate Mondays."
At 1:15 PM,
T said…
Yes, they do. I've never had them together (heck, I've never had sushi), but (as Breka once said) I know from experience, man. ^_^
At 9:01 AM,
Athene said…
Um..T, I do know from experience and it's kind of an odd combination. Like juice and mints. Now sushi and salad with a ginger-based salad dressing, that's where it's at.
At 10:49 PM,
Jess said…
Actually, it was JR's sister Katy that said that, about braces.
At 5:20 PM,
T said…
Whoops! My deepest apologies to Breka.
At 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aha. I was feeling confused. I knew I hadn't say that... ~Breka (aka Kati)
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