That bastard!
He killed off my favorite character! That shit! HE KILLED EDDIE!!! And no, I'm not ranting about RHPS. :) Stephen King, one of my favorite writers, just killed my favorite character from the Dark Tower series! I cried, I really did. It was sad. The last half of the book just isn't the same, and after I finish it, I'll reread the second book when Eddie first arrived, and it will be sad because I KNOW he will die. If you've read all the DT books but the last, and I've spoiled it, sorry. I won't tell you who else dies, at least. If you haven't read any of them, or gave up after starting them, I highly suggest reading them. They be good.
And now, an honorable menion of Joan, who is the first random person to stumble upon my blog and leave a comment. Yay for Joan!
Movie quote of the day, from Emperor's New Groove:
Pacha:"We're on our honeymoon."
Waitress:"Bless you for coming out in public."
At 1:42 PM,
T said…
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At 1:42 PM,
T said…
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At 5:00 PM,
Jess said…
I did, it made me sad.
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