I want to post but I have nothing to post about. Who likes Cheez-Its?
I love Family Guy.
Does everybody remember David? Of course you do. I was cleaning out my favorites not too terribly long ago, and I came across his blog link. I remembered when he had Moueska help him with it and then he never posted, so I clicked over to read what was written so long ago. (C'mon, you would have too. Curiosity and all that) Imagine my surprise when there was no entry from long ago! Instead, there was one from the more recent times of "David and Melody are assholes and don't want to hang out with us". You can read it here. It's quite funny, not only because he can't type/spell/punctuate for shit, but because of his little "fetish". Wait til you read it. It's funny and yet kind of disgusting. Enjoy!!
Today I intend to spend all day just lounging around in comfy pj things, eating, reading, surfing the web.....I'm also defrosting the fridge, because I'm tired of not being able to pull things out of the freezer part because the frost has imprisoned them. Too bad I have no food to put in it once I'm done. Oh well. Perhaps I'll post again later, I am off to mop out the fridge. Ta!